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Elected at the LVAC Annual Meeting were (l to r) Dan Murtha (Captain), Paul Lyons (Treasurer),
Mark Sheeran (President), Lee Stevens (Director), Zingi Mkefa (Vice President), Rich Barry (Assistant Captain), and John McKeon (Secretary).
LVAC President and EMT Mark Sheeran made a presentation at the Lewisboro Senior Adults meeting regarding the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
The South Salem Fire Department hosts the seniors for their regular weekly meetings, and just recently added this new piece of life-saving equipment.
The seniors were enthusiastic and engaged throughout with lots of great questions!

Carbon Monoxide - "The Silent Killer"

All too often at this time of year emergency services first responders hear reports of carbon monoxide alarm activations on their emergency dispatch pagers and scanners. Fortunately, the alarm has given the occupants of the home or business a fighting chance of survival. Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the deadliest and most frequently reported forms of poisoning in the United States each year.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-irritating gas released from incomplete combustion of any carbon-based material. Over 50,000 Americans annually seek Emergency Department treatment for CO poisoning, a figure three to five times greater than previously estimated. Called "The Silent Killer," carbon monoxide represents a grave threat to the health and safety of all residents in our community.

While a year-round problem, there is an increased risk of dying from CO poisoning in the winter months when heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves and propane gas are in use. Most carbon monoxide poisonings occur in the home. People sleeping in basement areas are often right next to the oil burner or other sources of heat. People should never use a kitchen range or stove to heat their living space. A professional should inspect heating equipment each year, and every house should be equipped with a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide alarm. Other sources are exhaust from cars and trucks, small gasoline engines, lanterns and charcoal or wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Power outages are a time of increased risk, as people resort to the use of kerosene space heaters, fireplaces and gas ranges to heat their homes. People who are sleeping or intoxicated can die from CO poisoning before ever experiencing symptoms.
The pervasive nature of CO poisoning is further complicated by the inability of Emergency Medical Service EMTs and Hospital Emergency Departments to easily detect its presence without using specialized equipment. Signs and symptoms of CO poisoning mimic those commonly associated with the flu, which often results in an improper diagnosis. These include headache, dizziness, disorientation, nausea and fatigue. Other signs and symptoms include confusion, hallucinations and agitation. Ironically, with missed diagnosis, patients are returned to the toxic environment that caused their symptoms.
Advanced technology, donated by the Lewisboro Lions Club, is used by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps (LVAC) EMTs to quickly evaluate a person on scene, with a non-invasive finger screen, enabling them to detect and aggressively treat suspected cases of CO poisoning.

The effects of CO exposure can vary greatly from person to person depending on age, overall health and the concentration and length of exposure. Although high levels of the gas can be fatal to anyone, infants, pregnant women, and older people or those who suffer from physical conditions that make it hard to breathe are even more susceptible. CO poisoning during pregnancy is a particular danger as the developing fetal hemoglobin has a much greater affinity for oxygen compared to adults and is more susceptible to CO poisoning. As well, our firefighters, who are directly exposed to CO during structure fires, apparatus fumes and closed space rescues are especially vulnerable.
Do not hesitate to call 911 if you suspect there is a carbon monoxide leak in your home or you or others in the home or workplace show any unusual or unexplained signs and symptoms. Be smart. Be safe.



LVAC Seasonal Tips For Parents of Young Children

Respiratory syncytial virus, commonly called RSV, usually affects very young children in the winter months, and can even be seen in warmer months.

In a recent article published in the EMS 1 Daily Newsletter, infectious disease specialist Priya Soni, MD, an assistant professor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, noted that out-of-season surges of RSV identified in California and across the country earlier this year could be attributed to last year's pandemic restrictions, which prevented infants and children from being as exposed to the virus as they normally would be.
In the article, Dr. Soni answered the following questions about RSV symptoms and treatments.


Dr. Soni: RSV is a common childhood respiratory virus that mostly afflicts young children, often under the age of 5. The virus can give children a cough and a fever and sometimes wheezing. These symptoms usually crop up in stages. Some of the youngest afflicted with RSV can just show poor feeding, irritability and breathing difficulties. While it is most often treated at home, severe cases can land children in the hospital. In the United States, RSV is responsible for 58,000 hospitalizations a year.


Dr. Soni: RSV manifests similarly to COVID-19, so while parents might think of COVID-19 first, it is important for them to know that RSV is also circulating now. In addition to the common fever and cough symptoms, there are some differentiating symptoms. For example, we know that COVID-19 often presents with unique symptoms, such as loss of taste and smell, fatigue and muscle aches. This is not so common with RSV. There is a reliable test for RSV, an antigen-based test as well as a PCR test. Unfortunately, although it's rare, co-infection is a possibility.


Dr. Soni: The treatment is supportive measures. That includes managing fever, hydration and, in small babies, suctioning of the nasal secretions so they can breathe better is very important. We often encourage the use of a humidifier at home. In severe cases, some children and infants do require hospitalization for oxygen support and on rare occasion, have to be placed on ventilators. Usually these are infants born prematurely or with chronic lung disease or other preexisting conditions, like congenital cardiac defects. There is a monoclonal antibody medication available that is used as a protection for these vulnerable patients.


Dr. Soni: The main thing parents can do is continue to be vigilant about hygiene for themselves and their children. That means encouraging handwashing, especially after interacting with other children, and mask-wearing, when possible, particularly in indoor settings. As with all respiratory infections, it is always a good idea to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or upper shirtsleeve instead of your hands.

As always, LVAC stands ready to respond to any emergency. Call 911 and we will be there
in your time of need.

Always contact your healthcare provider or go to the emergency department if your child has breathing problems, high fever or you are concerned about any of your or your child's symptoms.


"Every Second Counts"

Lewisboro LIONS Joins LVAC Urging Everyone
To Have their own File of Life

Medical emergencies can happen anytime. When they do, there can be confusion, panic and urgency. Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps (LVAC) EMTs along with Westchester EMS Paramedics arrive on the scene with no information about the person in need. Seconds count - they can make the difference between life and death. Does the patient have prior medical conditions? Allergies? What medications are they taking? Who do they want us to call? How do we contact their family or friends?

File of Life puts these answers at their fingertips. It allows first responders to immediately begin the best possible treatment, notify loved ones, and pass this vital data on to awaiting physicians at the emergency room. File of Life has already been instrumental in saving thousands of lives across the Country. It is an absolute asset to emergency preparedness, and peace of mind, for every household in our community.

LVAC's initiative is supported by the Lewisboro Lions Club who have donated $500 to offset the cost of purchasing the File of Life packets. The mission of the Lewisboro Lions is to empower its dedicated volunteers to improve the lives of those who live and work in our Town. Lewisboro's Lions Club is one of more than 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries worldwide.

The File of Life is a refrigerator magnet with an attached red plastic pocket labeled "FILE OF LIFE". In the plastic pocket is a tri-fold card on which you can record your vital emergency information. Fill in the information on the card. Remember, the information will help first responders to better assist you in an emergency.

File Of Life Mission

The File of Life program believes that everyone should receive prompt, quality medical care, especially when it matters most - in an emergency. It is designed to make the difference between life and death by providing absolutely vital information to first responders. The File of Life format is designed to be easy for patients to use and immediately recognized by local EMTs, police and fire departments nationwide. Together, we can improve emergency medical care, provide peace of mind for the most vulnerable individuals and their loved ones, and save countless lives.

Lewisboro residents can request a free File of Life packet from LVAC by clicking here and sending us your name and mailing address. Thanks!

In 2024, LVAC completed its 48th year of serving the Town of Lewisboro, providing the 24/7, year-round emergency medical services the Town of Lewisboro relies on us for.

As always, WE NEED NEW MEMBERS!! You can visit the Volunteer page of this website to learn more about the Corps, how to join, or make a tax-deductible donation. LVAC receives no funding from any portion of our Town taxes and relies on donations and some insurance recovery to fund our operations.


LVAC in cooperation with the American Heart Association is reminding residents "Don't Die Of Doubt."

In response to data that shows decreases in 9-1-1 calls and Emergency Room (ER) visits, the American Heart Association developed a public awareness campaign called, Don't Die of Doubt™. The campaign reminds people not to doubt heart attack or stroke symptoms and seek emergency medical care by calling 9-1-1 or going to the hospital should they appear.

Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps (LVAC) Captain Dan Murtha comments, "With many fearful of calling 9-1-1 or going to a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a critical need to reassure all Lewisboro residents if symptoms of a heart attack or stroke appear, seconds count and the hospital is still the safest place to be - don't delay."


On the anniversary of 9/11, LVAC encourages you to honor the victims and emergency responders by doing a good deed. As an act of service to yourself and those around you, learn how to #STOPTHEBLEED. You could save a life.

Click HERE to learn more.


When LVAC Captain Dan Murtha arrived at the Corps facility on one morning, he came upon this chalk painting created anonymously overnight.

At a time when LVAC is undergoing some extreme challenges, it is so helpful to be reminded how our community continues to stand behind us.

To whomever created this artwork, thank YOU!  It means so much to us.


Click on the short video below: